Information about our loans
Caterogory Listing Title Gross Investment Value Investment Type Loan to Value Short to mid-term Asset backed Collateral Investments Asset Backed Collateral Funding £25,00,00,000 Business to Business 80% max
Remaining Listing days Interest rates Number of payments Investment Type Security TBC up to 15% 36 or 60 ABC Investment (Europe) Ltd, 11 Thameside, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 1BH See borrowing proposal
Loan Type Loan size Loan Term in Months Instant Returns enabled Marketing date Interest Only £25,00,00,000 Monthly Yes ??/04/2020
Meet the Investment Team
How we make our money and how you get paid
ABC Investment (Europe) Ltd will provide Collateral to Businesses on a secured lending Agreement at 18.50% pa plus setup fees and disbursements. Interest will be paid Monthly.
ABC Investment (Europe) Ltd will receive Interest Monthly allowing them to settle their commitments. The Agreements will be for fixed terms set within the timeframe ABC set with Lenders.